Ebook Feasts Holidays of the Bible pamphlet Jewish Roots of Believers in Yeshua Jesus Rose Publishing 9781890947583 Books

Throughout the Old Testament, God commanded the Children of Israel to observe these holy days (holidays) as memorials to the mighty things that he had done in their lives. This bestselling pamphlet celebrates and explains the Feasts Holidays of the Bible. The glossy full-color pamphlet’s easy-to-use fold-out chart provides the name of each holiday, date of observance, explanation of the holiday, and reveals how each holiday points to Jesus as the promised Messiah. Holidays include Passover, Firstfruits, Yom Kippur, and Purim among others. Know more about the Hebrew roots of Christianity. Size 8.5"x 5.5" unfolds to 33" long. Fits inside most Bible covers. As a Jew, these feasts and holidays were celebrated each year by Jesus. The pamphlet offers an excellent way to teach Christians about their Jewish roots and to discover Yeshua, “Jesus,” in each “holy day.” The pamphlet lists the occasion’s Hebrew lettering, pronunciation, symbolism of Jesus, Bible references and New Testament fulfillment for the feasts and holidays below
- Passover (Pesach)
- Unleavened Bread (Hag HaMatzot)
- Firstfruits (Yom HaBikkurim)
- Feast of Weeks or Pentecost (Shavuot)
- Feast of Trumpets or Rosh HaShanah (New Year)
- Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur
- Tabernacles or Sukkot (Feast of Booths)
- Rejoicing in the Law or Torah (Simchat)
- Feast of Dedication or Hanukkah (Chanukah or Feast of Lights)
- Feast of Lots or Purim
- Passover A hymn is usually sung at the end of the Passover service, as was the case with Jesus and his disciples during the Last Supper (Matthew 2630)
- During the Rosh HaShanah synagogue services, the shofar (ram’s horn) is blown 100 times
- Hanukkah is also known as the Feast of Lights or the Feast of Dedication because of a legendary miraculous provision of oil for the eternal light in the Temple
- Purim marks the deliverance of the Jews through Jewish Queen Esther
- Leviticus 23 is sometimes called “God’s calendar of redeeming grace” because of 44 verses that tell of God’s redemptive plan
- God told Moses that seven of the feasts were to be “appointed feasts of the Lord” and were to be proclaimed as sacred assemblies (Leviticus 23 1, 2)
- Three of the feasts were pilgrimage feasts
- 2008—October 9
- 2009—September 28
- 2010—September 18
- 2011—October 8
- 2012—September 26
- 2014—September 14
- 2014—October 4
Ebook Feasts Holidays of the Bible pamphlet Jewish Roots of Believers in Yeshua Jesus Rose Publishing 9781890947583 Books
"I have never been disappointed with Rose Publishing Company products, and this pamphlet is no exception! It is one of the best "quick" studies on the Feast of LORD I've been privileged to own. A lot of information in an easy to read format. The size is perfect for Bible totes, purses or bookbags. It whets the appetite to dig further into the Biblical study and revelation of what Paul called the "rich root of the olive tree..." (Romans 11:17-18) I am very appreciative of the fact that Hanukkah and Purim were included. Although they are not Feasts of the "LORD," (see Lev. 23) we need to be aware that if the events surrounding these two Feasts had come to pass, the Jewish people would have ceased to exist...if that had happened there would be no Tribe of Judah and with no Tribe of Judah, there would be no Lion of the Tribe of Judah. How faithful is our Covenant keeping God and how beautiful and seamless is the whole of God's Word!"
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Tags : Feasts Holidays of the Bible pamphlet Jewish Roots of Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) [Rose Publishing] on . <DIV>Throughout the Old Testament, God commanded the Children of Israel to observe these holy days (holidays) as memorials to the mighty things that he had done in their lives. This bestselling pamphlet celebrates and explains the Feasts Holidays of the Bible. </i>The glossy full-color pamphlet’s easy-to-use fold-out chart provides the name of each holiday,Rose Publishing,Feasts Holidays of the Bible pamphlet Jewish Roots of Believers in Yeshua (Jesus),Rose Publishing,189094758X,Religion Spirituality / Christianity,Christian Theology - Apologetics,Christian theology,Religion - Theology,Religion / Christian Theology / Apologetics
Feasts Holidays of the Bible pamphlet Jewish Roots of Believers in Yeshua Jesus Rose Publishing 9781890947583 Books Reviews :
Feasts Holidays of the Bible pamphlet Jewish Roots of Believers in Yeshua Jesus Rose Publishing 9781890947583 Books Reviews
- I have never been disappointed with Rose Publishing Company products, and this pamphlet is no exception! It is one of the best "quick" studies on the Feast of LORD I've been privileged to own. A lot of information in an easy to read format. The size is perfect for Bible totes, purses or bookbags. It whets the appetite to dig further into the Biblical study and revelation of what Paul called the "rich root of the olive tree..." (Romans 1117-18) I am very appreciative of the fact that Hanukkah and Purim were included. Although they are not Feasts of the "LORD," (see Lev. 23) we need to be aware that if the events surrounding these two Feasts had come to pass, the Jewish people would have ceased to exist...if that had happened there would be no Tribe of Judah and with no Tribe of Judah, there would be no Lion of the Tribe of Judah. How faithful is our Covenant keeping God and how beautiful and seamless is the whole of God's Word!
- Really beautiful pamphlet. I intend to study it in depth along with a book about the blood moons that mentions these holidays. As Christians growing up, we were not taught about these holidays and not taught to keep them. Now at 65, I am beginning to see their importance relating to the coming of the Lord.
- I have several Rose pamphlets. They're great for people who want a lot of information and visuals without a lot of reading. This is another one I'm glad to have in my collection.
I like the explanation of the feasts from the OT and how they related to the NT and particularly Jesus and the early church, which was Jewish after all! There are plenty of scripture on the origin of the feasts and other historical points.
The accordion-fold pamphlets are colorful, well laid out, and durable, with a plastic coating. They're a good size to slip inside a larger Bible or a notebook.
I have a long list of other pamphlets I want to get for quick reference! - Fast delivery great condition and very informative. I got this as a gift for someone that doesn't know the Lord yet to go with her bible. It's really illuminating in testifying that Jesus is the center of the old testament.
- As a non-Jewish person I do not understand much about their religious traditions and customs. This pamphlet helped me to learn more about the feasts, what they are, why they are celebrated, what they symbolize. A very useful and helpful guide.
- laminated chart folio with so much info, i used it the first night as a bible study
i looked up all the verses and tried to educate myself on the feasts, which are God's appointed times
so much great info on the feasts, old testament, and new testament - how it fits and relates to prophecy
get one today
i lent mine to a pastor who is writing about these things - very fine tool - This is such a wonderful helpful guide to anyone looking to find the deeper meaning in these feast and also see when these feast are and how they each connect to Yeshua Ha Machiach. Easy to carry around or pin on a wall or keep in your bible
- Quick shipping and I love the break downs of each feast. I just wished they gave examples on how to celebrate them today. I consult the scriptures as much as possible but this something I will have to pray about.