PDF A New Earth Awakening Your Life Purpose Audible Audio Edition Eckhart Tolle Penguin Audio Books

Building on the astonishing success of The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle presents listeners with an honest look at the current state of humanity He implores us to see and accept that this state, which is based on an erroneous identification with the egoic mind, is one of dangerous insanity.
Tolle tells us there is good news, however. There is an alternative to this potentially dire situation. Humanity now, perhaps more than in any previous time, has an opportunity to create a new, saner, more loving world. This will involve a radical inner leap from the current egoic consciousness to an entirely new one.
In illuminating the nature of this shift in consciousness, Tolle describes in detail how our current ego-based state of consciousness operates. Then gently, and in very practical terms, he leads us into this new consciousness. We will come to experience who we truly are, which is something infinitely greater than anything we currently think we are, and learn to live and breathe freely.
PDF A New Earth Awakening Your Life Purpose Audible Audio Edition Eckhart Tolle Penguin Audio Books
"I read this after "The Power of Now" and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. For one, Tolle repeats most of what you'll find in the "Power of Now" in this book with little new insight. The Socratic way of question and answer sets a very all-knowing form. In "The Power of Now", it seems he's more of a guide or a teacher but after reading this book he seems like some sort of arrogant all-knowing God. If you have to decide between the two, read the "Power of Now"."
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Tags : A New Earth Awakening Your Life's Purpose (Audible Audio Edition) Eckhart Tolle, Penguin Audio Books, ,Eckhart Tolle, Penguin Audio,A New Earth Awakening Your Life's Purpose,Penguin Audio,B000CC3MGA
A New Earth Awakening Your Life Purpose Audible Audio Edition Eckhart Tolle Penguin Audio Books Reviews :
A New Earth Awakening Your Life Purpose Audible Audio Edition Eckhart Tolle Penguin Audio Books Reviews
- I felt quite bored when reading the first several pages of this book. Then the author began talking about the ego, page after page after page. This book talked about the ego, my ego, in more ways than I had previously ever imagined, confronting and exposing my precious ego. On at least a couple of occasions, I threw the book across the room into the wall. Then I became aware that this was exactly what I needed. I have never before read a book describing the human ego with such logical description. His work on the "pain body" is some of the most valuable work on understanding human relationship behavior that I have ever read. I strongly recommend this book for anyone that is willing to take another step in becoming honest with one's self.
- This book is changing my life and I'm only a 1/3 of the way into it. I saw Mr. Tolle interviewed by Oprah on Super Soul Sunday and was amazed at his descriptions about life. The idea that we are not anything of form - thoughts, likes/dislikes, cumulative experiences, gender, nationality, religion, and on and on....mind boggling. Tolle says that we are the part of us that realizes we are thinking. Anything else is ego. Tolle says that at the heart of all ancient religions is that the mind is insane and if we want to find peace, we must realize who we really are and drop any pretense of ego. Ego is just an illusion. My life is already better, just from learning that little bit.
The book takes time to read, because, you have to contemplate what you read, highlight it and read it again. I imagine reading this book or at least parts of it, over and over again. Enjoy. - To be honest, I hated this book the whole time I was reading it and immediately after. I thought it was poorly written, repetitive, preachy, and idealistic. But lo and behold, 6 months later I am still thinking about it all the time. Like it says in the intro, you are either ready for this book or you're not. If you're ready, it will open your eyes in a way that is impossible to reverse. Try to read it with an open mind and a willingness to deeply examine your own mind in ways that may be very uncomfortable to you. It will be worth it.
- I read this after "The Power of Now" and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. For one, Tolle repeats most of what you'll find in the "Power of Now" in this book with little new insight. The Socratic way of question and answer sets a very all-knowing form. In "The Power of Now", it seems he's more of a guide or a teacher but after reading this book he seems like some sort of arrogant all-knowing God. If you have to decide between the two, read the "Power of Now".
- Eckhart Tolle doesn't need any help to sell this book. But still i am writing this review because this is truly such a great book.
Maybe regretfully- the book's title doesn't convey how transformational a tool it can be for the individual person... It doesn't only talk about creating a new conscious society, but it mostly is a useful and eye opening book about waking up individually.
I wonder if it is at all possible to digest this book even with several reads... maybe even in one single lifetime...
I first read it more than 10 years ago, maybe even more, when i was deep into Eckhart and his teaching.
Then i moved on to other spiritual inspirations.. and felt that frankly, it's strange, but i don't want to go near Eckhart at all again, as his teaching just makes me "frustrated".... What can i say- it wasn't correct for me to listen to him for a while.
Now, i happened to return to his sphere of influence, and picking up this book again, i realize how deep, accurate and brilliant it is.
Yes. It may not be easy implementing what Eckhart talks about.
But if you are someone that feels strongly about spirituality, and even about liberation from suffering, this book has a dignified place in your library... even if you'll have to read it again and again over the course of many years, to realize it's transformational power.
Eckhart knows what he is talking about. - The enormous, positive impact this book has had on me is unbelievable. I feel like a new person with all the information packed into this book. I am now rereading to ensure i grasp everything this gem has to offer and i honestly feel like i would've be rereading for years to come. I have made so many notes and highlights and reading them everyday fills me with such joy and peace. This is a process and at time the information would be so profound that you need a moment or the rest of the day to focus and really let whatever information (and there is an abundance) that sticks out to YOU sink in and process! This book will change the way you look at life... GUARANTEED!!
- Life changing. Appreciate author's research and use of many teachers. Author has an interesting interpretation of some scripture, but stays true to most and it is applied well to support points made. Certainly provides common sense ways to eliminate stress in your life. Very relaxing to listen to. We set the timer on , and listen to excerpts before bedtime. Soothing, comforting, provocative, enlightening and also helps us sleep! Also listen to it when driving, helps with stress. Definitely, recommend for people who obsess, are quick to anger, or mentally can't 'let things go'.
- There is nothing really new here except for a remarkable analysis of how the human ego forms and covers the pure consciousness at our core. The book is not an easy read and tends toward repetition but that makes some of his central arguments more clear. If you are on a spiritual path from whatever religious discipline you like, then you very well might find this book of value. Although Tolle does not address this directly, I have not found a better explanation of the Buddhist doctrine of anatta anywhere. This book is not a how to particularly but more of a psychological treatise. In the maze of a lot of new agey junk published over the last 50 years, this book stands out as a valuable addition to the spiritual literature of the world.