Download PDF Complete Hothead Paisan Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist Diane DiMassa Books

Hothead Paisan, the over-caffeinated, media- crazed psychotic lesbian "with scary hair and a fetish for guns, grenades, mallets, and sharp objects," returns for more search-and-destroy missions and preventative homicides! A cult favorite, The Complete Collection combines Hothead Paisan and Revenge of Hothead Paisan with new strips in a single volume for the first time.
Download PDF Complete Hothead Paisan Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist Diane DiMassa Books
"Hothead Paisan keeps me sane.
I would probably explode out of tension and frustration if it weren't for her and my own cat.
Update in 2012, 6 years later
Not a teenager anymore, still keep coming back to this, especially in moments of stress. My appreciation for it has only grown over the years (I found probably my favorite zine/comic/chapter in a thrift store the other day, and I was perhaps spiritually grateful). I used to just enjoy watching her hack people to bits, but now I get and truly appreciate the commentary on how being so angry and thinking the entire world is out to get you can poison you and drive you mad."
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Tags : Complete Hothead Paisan Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist (9781573440844) Diane DiMassa Books,Diane DiMassa,Complete Hothead Paisan Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist,Cleis Press,1573440841,Literary,Comic books, strips, etc.,Lesbians,Gay,Lesbian,COMICS GRAPHIC NOVELS / Literary,Comics Graphic Novels,Comics Graphic Novels / Crime Mystery,Comics Graphic Novels / General,Comics Graphic Novels / Lgbt,Fiction / Humorous / General,Fiction / LGBT / Lesbian,Fiction / Lesbian,Fiction-Graphic Novels,GRAPHIC NOVELS,General,General Literary Fiction,General Adult,Literature of special Lesbian interest,Non-Fiction,Comics Graphic Novels / Gay Lesbian,Fiction / Humorous,Fiction,Graphic Novels General
Complete Hothead Paisan Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist Diane DiMassa Books Reviews :
Complete Hothead Paisan Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist Diane DiMassa Books Reviews
- Oh, Hothead, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. First off the need to save the whole world. Second off the sheer amount of insecurities that partially motivate her. Third a cat named Chicken who wears a fez. Bonus round CASTRATION!
With all those in mind, this book, a complete volume of all "HH Paisan"s to date, is not for everyone. Anyone with a Y chromosome should not read this. The easily nauseated will not like this either, considering the amount of shooting, swearing, and cutting off of manly intimate bits.
BUT...if one can look past all of that, "Hothead Paisan" is one of the best female empowerment comics that you will ever read. Hothead (or simply HH, as her tattoo reads) is out to rid the world of all male scum. Along the way, she will (reluctantly) get help from her psychic best friend, her level headed--and criminally adorable--cat, and even the Goddess Herself. It's a mad, wild ride.
In the words of the crazed Italian herself "I'm not your spritz head girlfriend, I'M HOTHEAD PAISAN!" - Fabulous book crude, comic, irreverent! How many times have I wished ---but that's another story!
- Hilarious!! I got the individual comics when they first came out. This big book is a collection of all of them. Love me some Hothead Paisan!
- For those days when one too many jerks have invaded your space, this is a great safety valve. Although this is not a how-to guide, it is a great little bit of fantasy (admit it, some of these ideas have crossed your mind).
- Hothead Paisan keeps me sane.
I would probably explode out of tension and frustration if it weren't for her and my own cat.
Update in 2012, 6 years later
Not a teenager anymore, still keep coming back to this, especially in moments of stress. My appreciation for it has only grown over the years (I found probably my favorite zine/comic/chapter in a thrift store the other day, and I was perhaps spiritually grateful). I used to just enjoy watching her hack people to bits, but now I get and truly appreciate the commentary on how being so angry and thinking the entire world is out to get you can poison you and drive you mad. - Love me some Hot Head..........
- This is great for a tongue in cheek response to rape culture in our patriotic society. I love the rage and the hilarity of her responses to the onslaught of male privilege and life in general.