» Read Online Heal Your Body Louise Hay 8601200435702 Books
Nelson James on Monday, April 15, 2019
Read Online Heal Your Body Louise Hay 8601200435702 Books
Product details - Paperback 96 pages
- Publisher Hay House Inc.; 4 edition (January 1, 1984)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0937611352

Heal Your Body Louise Hay 8601200435702 Books Reviews
- This book is absolutely revolutionary. The concept of thoughts and ideas shaping our physical health was one that I didn't accept for a while. I kept on looking for the perfect diet , wondering why no matter what I ate I was still having all sorts of digestive issues and health issues. It wasn't until I came across the concepts in this book, that I truly started to make a difference in my own health. I had a lot of things going on beneath the surface that I needed to address. Once I did, it was literally almost overnight where I started feeling healthier. Incredible Book.
- I recently was introduced to Louise Hay’s work. We, my husband and I, have been dealing with some serious health issues, and attributed that to being older, but have an amazing team of healers we have been working with. What I didn’t realize was that one of the most important healers of my body was ME. Louise Hay is giving me the tools to learn to be my own healer, in so many, many ways. I am eternally grateful and blessed to be on this new journey...
- I love Louise Hay's work so I bought this to add to my collection. Unfortunately the formatting is not quite right in the kindle version as the text is cut off from 14%-82%. I will unfortunately have to return this. Hoping they fix it.
- I bought this kindle version of Heal Your Body so I'd have the list with me for reference all the time. However, the list isn't included. Just the text. Not that I don't appreciate Louise's thoughts, but I'm feeling a bit ripped off by this abbreviated version.
- Lovely book and I have found it to be enlightening and very helpful. I say the affirmations throughout the day and when I am driving ( alone! ) and have found my aches and pains to be much reduced and my overall well being to be much improved. The link between mind and body is undeniable and it makes sense to work with that power as much as possible. The book itself basically is a list of ailments and troubles and affirmations to cure them. The book You Can Heal Your Life contains the same list but also goes into more detail and has more stories and so on. If you simply want to cure your ailments, this is the book you need. )
- If you enjoy meditating and like to find new ways to switch it up, I recommend this book. The price makes it worth it!
I'm not a big fan of meditation, but found this book really interesting. I was intrigued to read how all of these ailments coincided with the psyche in some way. I find it hard to believe that each of these are FACT; but either way meditation is good for the mind and these affirmations are pretty decent to use for meditation.
I feel this book, or ailment-psyche dictionary, rather, is in a similar realm of acupressure, acupuncture, reikei (sp?), holistic healing, etc.
If you are someone who responds well to positive affirmations, this will likely be a terrific investment. I think it's amazing how it is really possible to alter our physical health through the power of thinking. Negative thoughts could cause a healthy person to deteriorate and positive thoughts could be "the thing" that sent an individual's terminal illness into remission. - If you have You Can Heal Yourself, then you basically already have this. Wish I'd known that before I spent money on this pamphlet-sized book.
- Healing starts from within. Physical ailments are caused by mental or spiritual ailments. This is not just "new age" gibberish, it is real. Read over some of the explanations and descriptions of the physical problems and their respective mental or spiritual causes and you would understand that the reasoning is sound.
We are all bodies of energies. Heal the energy within and the body is healed.
The affirmations within have helped me heal myself of many bodily dysfunctions and illnesses many times. Highly recommended to everyone.