PDF Chasing I do Die Eastons German Edition Marina Adair Lili Dora 9780997483215 Books

Darcy Kincaid mag eine Braut sein, die sich nicht traut, aber sie glaubt immer noch an ein glückliches Miteinander bis ans Lebensende, weshalb sie sich den Paaren gewidmet hat, ihre perfekten „Ich will“ zu arrangieren. Obwohl ihr Verlobter sich als untreu, und als eine große Enttäuschung herausstellte, drehte Darcy, aus Verpflichtung gegenüber ihrer ungeborenen Tochter, ihrer Hochzeit den Rücken zu. Als alleinerziehende Mutter liegt es jetzt alleine bei Darcy, die Zukunft ihrer Tochter zu sichern. Deshalb hat sie ihre Lebenseinsparungen in die Renovierung vom Belle Mont Herrenhaus, Portlands ältestem und fast vergessenem Hochzeitsort, investiert hat. Wenn das Hochzeitsmagazin ihr also das Cover für die Juniausgabe anbietet, im Austausch für die Planung der Hochzeit eines hochkarätigen Paares, dann verdankt Darcy dies ihren Glückssternen. Bis sich herausstellt, dass der Trauzeuge des Sterns der Bruder von ihrem Ex ist... Das letzte Mal, als Gage Easton Darcy sah, schlich sie durch die Hintertür vor ihrer eigenen Hochzeit davon, die das Leben seines Bruders zerstörte. Auf keinen Fall wird er der wunderschönen Wegläuferin den besonderen Tag seines größten Klienten anvertrauen, ganz egal wie sehr er sie heimlich liebte. Entschlossen, die Hochzeit seines Klienten anderswo abzuhalten, konfrontiert er Darcy, nur um auf ein Kleinkind mit Darcy's blonden Locken und den Easton blauen Augen zu treffen, die ihn alles neu verhandeln lassen - die Hochzeit gegen eine Chance, seine Nichte kennenzulernen. Aber wenn ein lustiger Tag im Park zu warmen Familienessen führt, findet Gage sich zwischen seiner Loyalität gegenüber seinem Bruder und den beiden Frauen, die sein Herz gestohlen haben, festgefahren.
PDF Chasing I do Die Eastons German Edition Marina Adair Lili Dora 9780997483215 Books
"Five years ago, Darcy was a runaway bride. She left groom Kyle at their wedding and is blamed by his family when he dies in a car accident soon after. Gage is Kyle's twin brother and he was actually her friend at college, even before she met Kyle.
Now Darcy has a gorgeous 4 year old girl, Kylie, and she has started a wedding business after restoring Belle Mont, a beautiful wedding venue. Gage is trying to secure Belle Mont for the upcoming wedding of his brother Rhett and is perplexed to meet his little niece. He wants to be in her life and for his family to meet Kylie. Darcy wants what is best for Kylie and that might be the Easton Family, but what about her ex mother-in-law-from-hell Margo? And what about her feelings for Gage?
I really liked this story, it was quite delightful. It is rather short or feels like it, as there is not much conflict at all. It reads like an Harlequin novel with a fast story and happy ending."
Product details

Tags : Chasing I do (Die Eastons) (German Edition) [Marina Adair, Lili Dora] on . Darcy Kincaid mag eine Braut sein, die sich nicht traut, aber sie glaubt immer noch an ein glückliches Miteinander bis ans Lebensende,Marina Adair, Lili Dora,Chasing I do (Die Eastons) (German Edition),The Adair Group,0997483210,Fiction / Romance / Contemporary,Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy
Chasing I do Die Eastons German Edition Marina Adair Lili Dora 9780997483215 Books Reviews :
Chasing I do Die Eastons German Edition Marina Adair Lili Dora 9780997483215 Books Reviews
- Five years ago, Darcy was a runaway bride. She left groom Kyle at their wedding and is blamed by his family when he dies in a car accident soon after. Gage is Kyle's twin brother and he was actually her friend at college, even before she met Kyle.
Now Darcy has a gorgeous 4 year old girl, Kylie, and she has started a wedding business after restoring Belle Mont, a beautiful wedding venue. Gage is trying to secure Belle Mont for the upcoming wedding of his brother Rhett and is perplexed to meet his little niece. He wants to be in her life and for his family to meet Kylie. Darcy wants what is best for Kylie and that might be the Easton Family, but what about her ex mother-in-law-from-hell Margo? And what about her feelings for Gage?
I really liked this story, it was quite delightful. It is rather short or feels like it, as there is not much conflict at all. It reads like an Harlequin novel with a fast story and happy ending. - I love Marina Adair's writing, and this first book in the new Easton series does not disappoint - GREAT characters, lovable heroine AND hero, with wonderful, colorful supporting cast around them in a great setting and fascinating plot... Sweet and sexy, hot and humorous, but also with some very real, heart-wrenching scenes... Darcy is such a terrific character - strong but vulnerable and sweet and a terrific single mom. Gage is such a great combination of qualities in a hot and handsome package (sort of Gabe, Nate and Trey DeLuca all in one but with some key things all his own -) ) I really loved this story and can't wait for the rest of the series!
My only complaint about this book was that it seemed to end too quickly - maybe a bit abruptly - without wrapping up some crucial plot elements that I wanted closure on... I wanted Gage to have to grovel a bit more!! -) Most of Marina's other books, even those that are part of her great St. Helena or Sugar GA series' were each 100% satisfying all on their own even though they also built on each other. With this one, I was left feeling just a teensy bit unfulfilled with the ending... but I can hardly wait for the next book in this fabulous new series, especially after reading the sneak peak of #2!! (Write fast, please Marina!! -) )
I was actually given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion about it, which is exactly what I've given here... but I liked it so much that I bought it anyway to be sure I had easy access to it in my collection. LOVE LOVE LOVE this author!! - I've read many books by this author, and have enjoyed most of them. But this book is missing something. I just couldn't seem to give a hoot for the main characters, and really felt someone needed to hitch slap Margo. Nobody would tolerate her actions, including a "loving" family. And, if the brothers were supposedly so close...they damn sure would know if one of their own was a dawg! Hope the rest of the series has better story lines.
- I liked this story, it had just the right amount of back story, problems to overcome, and best in it. What was frustrating was the fact that while Darcy constantly went on about doing the best for her child and standing up for herself, she let her ex's family, specifically the mother, treat her like carp. Ok, so she wanted to take the high road, but come on! Being a long suffering martyr gets old fast. Anyone else would have told the truth and defended their actions, not continue to let others believe the worst. I did like the very real descriptions of the business and how the author bought me into the settings, and I would like to read the other books in this series.
- What can I say. this book was great from beginning to end. loved Darcy and strength she had. she was a protective mother and wanted to do right by her daughter. Gage was just swoon worthy. he was the go between his family and wanted to do right for both sides.
another book with strong family bonds. can't wait for Rhett story and more of the family. love the Easton family already. - 3.5 stars
This was a cute, fun read about a second chance at love.
Darcy is a single mom/runaway bride on the cusp of making a name for herself and her business when the twin of her deceased ex suddenly reappears in her life.
I liked Darcy and Gage together and had a ton of respect for Darcy as a Mom and for how Gage handled discovering that his brother had a little girl no one knew about.
This is a well written introduction to a brand new series. My one hang up is that I felt like the ending was a little rushed and some of the conflicts regarding Darcy's history with the Easton family was left unaddressed. She and Gage seem to have gotten passed the fact that she nearly walked down the aisle with his brother, but the conversation needed for that to happen was never shown to us as readers, so I finished the book with questions. We also see that at least one of the brothers is okay with the new relationship, but what about the rest of Gage's family.
Seeing that this is book one in the series, these questions maybe addressed in future books and I will have to keep reading to find out.