» Read Junie Moon Rising A true story A hedonistic woman tries to change so she can adopt a child from the streets of Asia June Collins 9781466991521 Books
Nelson James on Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Read Junie Moon Rising A true story A hedonistic woman tries to change so she can adopt a child from the streets of Asia June Collins 9781466991521 Books
Product details - Paperback 316 pages
- Publisher TraffordSG (July 10, 2013)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1466991526

Junie Moon Rising A true story A hedonistic woman tries to change so she can adopt a child from the streets of Asia June Collins 9781466991521 Books Reviews
- One of the best lines I've ever read in a book is in this amazing story by June Collins. I previously read Goodbye Junie Moon, also by this author, and I loved it. I was excited to read this sequel and learn more about what happened to the colorful lady I'd gotten to know. I was not disappointed at all. The same wry sense of humor and love of life is evident in this book.
This book picks up soon after June's return from Vietnam and testimony to the Senate. We follow her through the next decade of her life as she struggles with memories of the war, rubs shoulders with the jet set, parties her way through several states, and finally finds love and her beloved children. Witnessing the growth of this incredible woman is something I recommend to anyone. It's a story that deserves to be read. June has truly led an amazing life. I won't share the line that inspired me because I don't want to rob the readers of experiencing it themselves.
It's a truly inspiring story. Thank you for sharing it with us, Junie Moon. - The first thing I noticed abut this author is her honesty. She told intimate details of her affairs with men with no holds barred. She let the reader understand her motives and her 'morals' in the experience without any regret. She had a hard early life and the harsh reality of it made June Collins a woman who is shown to be quite a resiliant human . I liked her tenasity and strong will to move forward dispite all odds. Her scenes of her time in Viet Nam were suspenceful and sometimes brutal. This book is based on true events in her life and that makes this even more of a thrilling read.
While I admire Ms. Collins for her creativity , honesty and strength....I found it a bit too much that this author made such a big deal about hring a limosene and driver to taker her everywhere . Why ? She was quite capable of driving and if she wanted to be noticed she could have had any kind of flashy car ....but she insisted on being on display in a chauffer driven limo. Maybe I am just not understanding all of her motives ....but just as I really formed an image of June Collins as a tough woman of substance ....the image was somehow tainted by the shallow image of her in that chauffer driven car. Famous ? Of course, but not really so much so at that time of her life....all said and done though, June Collins had a thrilling and totally interesting life.
The book is worth reading. - I loved this book every bit as much as the first, Goodbye Junie Moon. This one is completely different as the Vietnam drama is mostly behind her. This tells the story of all the amazing things that came next. Junie Moon has drifted around, but always with a very clear dream in her mind. This book tells the story of how she made that dream come true, pretty much against all odds. Again, her story is very well written. If there were errors I was too engrossed in the story to notice. She tells the events exactly as they happened and emotionally involves the reader in the story. She made some questionable decisions, but I related to those decisions because I think I would've done things pretty much the same. In her case it turned out well. I thought that with the events of the first memoir it read like a novel and would make a great movie. I think that movie would continue very well with this second memoir added as the happy ending. Although, I am hoping for a third....
- I wasn't sure I would enjoy June's second book. I mistakenly assumed she had already told us everything really interesting about her life in "Goodby Junie Moon," but was I ever wrong in that assumption. This book was even better than the first. I can hardly believe that anyone could possibly have enough strength and energy to do all that she has done. And I'm sure there is a wealth of further experiences she didn't have space to include. Loved this book. You will enjoy it more if you read "Goodby Junie Moon" first. I highly recommend both books by June Collins.
- After reading Goodbye Junie Moon, I was very pleased to come upon June Collin's book " Junie Moon Rising.
I can relate to some of the things that June went through in regards to adjusting to life after war. No matter how you suppress it, no matter how deep you were involved, you will never forget those times or people. As June's after war life unfolds it takes her through a myriad of experiences that most people couldn't imagine as "Normal Life". Although she had a long term goal to care for or adopt children, she didn't let life pass her by sitting idle waiting to accomplish her long term goal. I believe that you will enjoy the many turns and interesting people that June had in her life along her way. Not many people can say that they served with and for the soldiers in Vietnam, helped to right a serious wrong exposing fraud on a grand scale against the government and people of the U.S.A. Not many people have been in New York, Mexico, Vietnam, Florida, Australia and also earned a college degree in Alaska.
I highly recommend Junie Moon Rising but would advise reading Goodbye Junie Moon first . - Junie Moon Rising starts off where Goodbye Junie Moon ends. It is about her life leading up to her long awaited dream of adopting children from poverty stricken countries. It is interesting to me to read about her experiences as she learns to live again in a non-combat zone. Even though she didn't actually fight in the war, she was certainly affected by it and had to learn how to exist in a non adrenaline fueled atmosphere again; something that I think many people can relate to today. I really enjoy June's writing style as she tells her story. She leads a charmed & interesting life, although not without some dark times. She certainly shows that she's not afraid of taking chances and jumping in with both feet, which may or may not have gotten her further in life, but I'm willing to bet that she has definitely enjoyed the ride more. If you liked Goodbye Junie Moon, you will also enjoy Junie Moon Rising.