Download PDF I Am Captain Kirk Star Trek Little Golden Book Frank Berrios Ethen Beavers 9781984829733 Books

Boldly go where no one has gone before with this first-ever Star Trek(TM) Little Golden Book--featuring Captain James T. Kirk!
Whether making strange new discoveries at the farthest reaches of the galaxy or facing off against Klingons and other alien races, find out what makes Captain James T. Kirk the most famous starship captain ever. Star Trek fans of all ages will love this action-packed Little Golden Book featuring Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise from the classic TV series in a unique retro art style!
Download PDF I Am Captain Kirk Star Trek Little Golden Book Frank Berrios Ethen Beavers 9781984829733 Books
"Got this book for my toddler and he loves it. I think it's a good way to get kids introduced to Star Trek before they're old enough to watch any of the episodes or movies.
HOWEVER: If you are a big fan of the show and are attentive to detail, and have little ones who are likewise attentive to details, you'll be dismayed at the art errors throughout the book. Rank braid is off in a couple places and no effort was made to distinguish the arrowhead symbols on the uniforms. Also, every main TOS character gets highlighted and named except for Chekov. Strange omission to make.
All that aside, fun little book. For what it's worth, "I am Mr. Spock" has correct artwork and might be the better buy for a purist."
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Tags : I Am Captain Kirk (Star Trek) (Little Golden Book) [Frank Berrios, Ethen Beavers] on . <b>Boldly go where no one has gone before with this first-ever Star Trek(TM) Little Golden Book--featuring Captain James T. Kirk!</b> Whether making strange new discoveries at the farthest reaches of the galaxy or facing off against Klingons and other alien races,Frank Berrios, Ethen Beavers,I Am Captain Kirk (Star Trek) (Little Golden Book),Golden Books,1984829734,Science fiction.,Star Trek fiction.,Easy Fiction,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION / Action Adventure / General,JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy Magic,JUVENILE FICTION / Media Tie-In,Juvenile Fiction/Action Adventure - General,Juvenile Fiction/Fantasy Magic,Juvenile Kindergarten Ages 5-6,Monograph Series, any,PRESCHOOL MEDIA TIE-IN,PRESCHOOL PICTURE STORY BOOKS,Picture Book,United States,gifts for boys;gifts for girls;adventure books;toddler books;books for 2 year olds;books for 3 year olds;books for 4 year olds;toddler books ages 1-3;kids books ages 2-4;childrens books by age 3-5;preschool books;picture books;toddler books ages 2-4;books for preschoolers;star trek;star trek book;star trek books;star trek collectibles;star trek gifts;star trek original series;fantasy;books for 4 year old boys;books for 5 year old boys;childrens books by age 1-3;books for 4 year old girls,gifts for boys; gifts for girls; adventure books; toddler books; books for 2 year olds; books for 3 year olds; books for 4 year olds; childrens books by age 1-3; toddler books ages 1-3; kids books ages 2-4; childrens books by age 3-5; preschool books; picture books; toddler books ages 2-4; books for preschoolers; star trek; star trek book; star trek books; star trek collectibles; star trek gifts; star trek original series; books for 4 year old boys; books for 5 year old boys; books for 5 year old girls
I Am Captain Kirk Star Trek Little Golden Book Frank Berrios Ethen Beavers 9781984829733 Books Reviews :
I Am Captain Kirk Star Trek Little Golden Book Frank Berrios Ethen Beavers 9781984829733 Books Reviews
- Got this book for my toddler and he loves it. I think it's a good way to get kids introduced to Star Trek before they're old enough to watch any of the episodes or movies.
HOWEVER If you are a big fan of the show and are attentive to detail, and have little ones who are likewise attentive to details, you'll be dismayed at the art errors throughout the book. Rank braid is off in a couple places and no effort was made to distinguish the arrowhead symbols on the uniforms. Also, every main TOS character gets highlighted and named except for Chekov. Strange omission to make.
All that aside, fun little book. For what it's worth, "I am Mr. Spock" has correct artwork and might be the better buy for a purist. - Fantastic art work and great Star Trek introduction for little ones. My I Am Captain Kirk book came with the pages out of order and upside-down. Asking for a replacement. I hope it's not an issue with a large batch. As long as I can get the book in the proper order then I can easily give 5 stars though! **update - replaced the book for free. The new one came in the right order and all pages right-side up. It was probably just a 1 book issue and not a batch. 5 stars!
- Well, I ordered the Mr. Spock Little Golden Book for my LGB collection because it was just the absolute cutest thing ever, and it just felt wrong to get Mr. Spock and leave Captain Kirk behind! Pretty sure the publishers knew no Star Trek fan would pick up one without the other. Smart move, publishers. Pretty sure you are living long and prospering just fine.
- The story is nice, simple and instructional, a great way to introduce Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. Drawings are funny and well done. Mr. Spock also has a Golden book which I recommend. These books are treasures for the long time fan or the new trekee. Buy both.
- This Little Golden book is a great addition to your children's library shelf. Learn all about why Kirk is Captain of the USS Enterprise.
- These are great books that are perfect for smaller children glad to see you coming out with a star trek line my daughter loves star track answer these books were bought from my grandson who was named after Leonard Nimoy
- my brother, who is 38, love this becasue he can now share Star Trek with his toddler. great gift idea.
- This book is beautifully illustrated and fun to read. As a life long Trekkie I love these as a children's introduction to the universe. I also purchased I am Mr. Spock and plan on purchasing the tribble one when it is released.