» PDF Black Letter Outline on Criminal Law Black Letter Outlines Peter Low Books
Nelson James on Wednesday, April 17, 2019
PDF Black Letter Outline on Criminal Law Black Letter Outlines Peter Low Books
Product details - Series Black Letter Outlines
- Paperback 720 pages
- Publisher West Academic Publishing; 3 edition (December 4, 2007)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0314180575

Black Letter Outline on Criminal Law Black Letter Outlines Peter Low Books Reviews
- This outline was written by Peter Low, the most recent editor of the Criminal Law, 2nd Ed. casebook by Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries Jr., and Low.
It tracks the most closely with the casebook's topics and teaching approach of any of the major commercial outlines. (I personally found Emmanuel's the worst; it was followed by Gilbert's, which was passable, and finally E&E, whose broad, non-outline approach actually explained the topics relatively well.)
If you're a 1L, you've realized by now that you don't take Crim in the same way that you might have taken Physics or Linear Algebra you take Crim -with- So-and-So. In the same way, you should be reading a commercial outline by the same author as your casebook.
If you're taking Crim and using the Bonnie text, I highly recommend Low's Black Letter Outline.
Good luck.