Read Online Deathreats The Life and Times of a Comic Book Rock Star Drew Hayes Mark Bellis Books

Deathreats provides an intimate look inside the mind of Drew Hayes, one of the comic book world's most controversial and colorful celebrities. It's a primary source of publishing history in the independent age of popular arts. In each issue of Poison Elves, Drew wrote a "Starting Note," his own deeply personal editorial in which he spoke his mind on everything from the state of the comic book industry to the state of his love life, with an occasional diatribe on music, movies, modern art, and anything else that intrigued him - or pissed him off! This volume collects all 100 of the Starting Notes from Poison Elves (annotated and illustrated to provide biographical context), as well as extended excerpts from Drew's most revealing Deathreats letter columns.
Read Online Deathreats The Life and Times of a Comic Book Rock Star Drew Hayes Mark Bellis Books
"Throughout the '90's and much of the last decade, the journey begun as "I, Lusiphur" that later became the groundbreaking comic series "Poison Elves" stood out in the comic world for its originality and above all, the "take no B.S." approach of writer/artist Drew Hayes.
I put "writer" first intentionally. Despite the default assumption that comics are known for their art first and foremost (the '90s certainly bastardized this), Drew's strongest of many strong points was his writing and storytelling. He didn't just tell stories; he connected with his readers. That is, essentially, what "Deathreats" chronicles. This tome collects the innermost thoughts, feelings, opinions and yes, a fair share of crazy personal stories from Hayes. As many a PE fanatic will attest, Drew was often quite open about his personal life. Particularly in some of his darkest moments- because, as he stated several times in his writing, he knew what he was experiencing, others had also experienced and could relate to. A lot of us could relate to Drew...and to another extent, PE antihero Lusiphur. It was often said that for quite some time, "Poison Elves" boasted the best letters column in comics and this book will show that. Hayes and his readers genuinely connected with one another in a way that I don't believe any other creator has ever managed.
Don't be misled- this is not your boring, run-of-the-mill biography. This is simply Drew, his life and times, in his own words. Each issue of "Poison Elves" contained a "Starting Note" in which Drew would give a run down of his life and love, the struggles and triumphs of independent publishing, what new things he was into and often an amusing tale or two. Each issue culminated with Drew responding in his uniquely sarcastic way to fan mail with a devoted cast of readers.
"Deathreats" is the bittersweet icing on the PE cake. None of the collected "Poison Elves" trade paperbacks included "Starting Notes" or "Deathreats", which was long regarded as a shame, since they were part of what made the individual issues so special. Thus, "Deathreats" is a real treat to those who either can't afford to track down every single issue or just prefer paperbacks, but wanted their fix of the "inner Drew".
This is 370 pages of pure, unadulterated, brutal honesty. There's triumph and tragedy, love and heartache, violence and moments of tranquility...and a few of the funniest damn stories you'll ever read. If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and put down this week's flavor of recycled big publisher garbage and pick up some "Poison Elves"...see what you've been missing.
A fitting testament to the legacy of one of the most underrated comic creators ever....Drew Hayes. RIP."
Product details

Tags : Deathreats The Life and Times of a Comic Book Rock Star (9781579890926) Drew Hayes, Mark Bellis Books,Drew Hayes, Mark Bellis,Deathreats The Life and Times of a Comic Book Rock Star,Sirius Entertainment,157989092X,Comics Graphic Novels,Cartoonists;United States;Biography.,Comics Graphic Novels / General,Artists, Architects, Photographers,Biography,Biography Autobiography / Artists, Architects, Photographers,Biography / Autobiography,Cartoonists,Comics Graphic Novels / Nonfiction,Fine Arts,Hayes, Drew,Literary Criticism,Literary Criticism / Comics Graphic Novels,Nonfiction,United States
Deathreats The Life and Times of a Comic Book Rock Star Drew Hayes Mark Bellis Books Reviews :
Deathreats The Life and Times of a Comic Book Rock Star Drew Hayes Mark Bellis Books Reviews
- Throughout the '90's and much of the last decade, the journey begun as "I, Lusiphur" that later became the groundbreaking comic series "Poison Elves" stood out in the comic world for its originality and above all, the "take no B.S." approach of writer/artist Drew Hayes.
I put "writer" first intentionally. Despite the default assumption that comics are known for their art first and foremost (the '90s certainly bastardized this), Drew's strongest of many strong points was his writing and storytelling. He didn't just tell stories; he connected with his readers. That is, essentially, what "Deathreats" chronicles. This tome collects the innermost thoughts, feelings, opinions and yes, a fair share of crazy personal stories from Hayes. As many a PE fanatic will attest, Drew was often quite open about his personal life. Particularly in some of his darkest moments- because, as he stated several times in his writing, he knew what he was experiencing, others had also experienced and could relate to. A lot of us could relate to Drew...and to another extent, PE antihero Lusiphur. It was often said that for quite some time, "Poison Elves" boasted the best letters column in comics and this book will show that. Hayes and his readers genuinely connected with one another in a way that I don't believe any other creator has ever managed.
Don't be misled- this is not your boring, run-of-the-mill biography. This is simply Drew, his life and times, in his own words. Each issue of "Poison Elves" contained a "Starting Note" in which Drew would give a run down of his life and love, the struggles and triumphs of independent publishing, what new things he was into and often an amusing tale or two. Each issue culminated with Drew responding in his uniquely sarcastic way to fan mail with a devoted cast of readers.
"Deathreats" is the bittersweet icing on the PE cake. None of the collected "Poison Elves" trade paperbacks included "Starting Notes" or "Deathreats", which was long regarded as a shame, since they were part of what made the individual issues so special. Thus, "Deathreats" is a real treat to those who either can't afford to track down every single issue or just prefer paperbacks, but wanted their fix of the "inner Drew".
This is 370 pages of pure, unadulterated, brutal honesty. There's triumph and tragedy, love and heartache, violence and moments of tranquility...and a few of the funniest damn stories you'll ever read. If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and put down this week's flavor of recycled big publisher garbage and pick up some "Poison Elves"...see what you've been missing.
A fitting testament to the legacy of one of the most underrated comic creators ever....Drew Hayes. RIP.