Ebook Literacy Beginnings A Prekindergarten Handbook Gay Su Pinnell Irene Fountas Books

Now aligned to the Expanded Edition of The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum!
Play and language are critical learning tools for the prekindergarten child. Through play and language, they learn about their world and about themselves. Play and language are also the most important tools for early literacy learning. Think of the young child who takes a memo pad and marker around to family members, "taking orders" for dinner. Like all emergent readers and writers, this child makes no distinction between play and literacy-both involve curiosity, excitement, learning, and discovery.
In Literacy Beginnings, Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell bring their characteristically rich, comprehensive, and practical insights to the frontier of early literacy. They show you how to tap into young children's curiosity to introduce them to the world of literacy in joyful, engaging ways.
Ebook Literacy Beginnings A Prekindergarten Handbook Gay Su Pinnell Irene Fountas Books
"Fountas and Pinnell are two of the most recognized experts of early literacy learning and teaching in the US. Literacy Beginnings reads like a prequel to all their previous books; if you are a stakeholder in early childhood education- teacher or administrator- this book is a must read. The early childhood community has long been awaiting these gurus to weigh in on the heavily debated and often misinterpreted best practices in early literacy instruction. This book will leave many early childhood teachers feeling triumphant as the authors openly denounce the outdated "Letter of the Week" method as well as worksheets. Reading this book one can almost hear early childhood educators around the world shouting words of joy as they realize the impact it will have on future generations of teachers and students.
Literacy Beginnings is not about math, science, open-ended art, or music and movement- it is about best practices in early literacy instruction for the 21st Century. If you have a problem with the plumbing in your house you call a plumber, you don't call a general handyman. The same goes for this book, if you are looking for the most current, research based information on early literacy instruction from a reliable and trusted source then this is the book for you."
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Tags : Literacy Beginnings A Prekindergarten Handbook (9780325099255) Gay Su Pinnell, Irene Fountas Books,Gay Su Pinnell, Irene Fountas,Literacy Beginnings A Prekindergarten Handbook,Heinemann,0325099251,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Education,EARLY CHILDHOOD CURRICULUM,EDUCATION / Elementary,EDUCATION / General,Education,Education/Professional Development,Education/Teaching Methods Materials - Reading Phonics,Education/Testing Measurement,How-to/Do-it-yourself,ILLITERACY AND LITERACY EDUCATION,Non-Fiction,Professional,Study and teaching,TEXT,United States
Literacy Beginnings A Prekindergarten Handbook Gay Su Pinnell Irene Fountas Books Reviews :
Literacy Beginnings A Prekindergarten Handbook Gay Su Pinnell Irene Fountas Books Reviews
- Fountas and Pinnell are two of the most recognized experts of early literacy learning and teaching in the US. Literacy Beginnings reads like a prequel to all their previous books; if you are a stakeholder in early childhood education- teacher or administrator- this book is a must read. The early childhood community has long been awaiting these gurus to weigh in on the heavily debated and often misinterpreted best practices in early literacy instruction. This book will leave many early childhood teachers feeling triumphant as the authors openly denounce the outdated "Letter of the Week" method as well as worksheets. Reading this book one can almost hear early childhood educators around the world shouting words of joy as they realize the impact it will have on future generations of teachers and students.
Literacy Beginnings is not about math, science, open-ended art, or music and movement- it is about best practices in early literacy instruction for the 21st Century. If you have a problem with the plumbing in your house you call a plumber, you don't call a general handyman. The same goes for this book, if you are looking for the most current, research based information on early literacy instruction from a reliable and trusted source then this is the book for you. - The name of the authors is why I initially decided to pay $40 for this book. I should say upfront I am glad I did not wait for used copies to become available. I had next step questions & assessment questions I hoped reading over the summer would clear up to strengthen my know-how the for next school year. I reflected on my observations, lesson plan notes and pictures from last school year and Literacy Beginnings provides "hooks" that took my thinking to the next level. The authors being former classroom teachers anticipated those questions that come up when teachers plan and included them in the chapters. Since I was not with my teaching team, I read the questions in the chapters and spoke into a tape recorder or jotted down my response. When I returned to the material I was able to connect what I knew to what I wanted to know with the chapter titles, pictures of children and examples of work done by the children. The first chapter is basic but necessary to make sure I was on the same page in terms of theory and what it looks like in a busy classroom. I hope this review helps another teacher. I am new at this. I have worked in pre-k for 6 years and I was sort of shaky about why I did certain things with certain kids if I did not make a note. This resource helps me feel good about last semester and gives me firm steps to take me into next year.
- This is a phenomenal book! I've read it through word for word and refer back to it frequently. It's packed with great ideas that you can implement in our classroom right away. This summer, I'm organizing a book study of the book with some transitional kindergarten teachers in my district. I'm excited to see the ideas that are generated from it! I highly recommend the book!
- As an Early Childhood Special Education professional, I now consult with and provide professional development for Early Childhood professionals in public school and community based programs. SCRIBBLE SCRABBLE BECAUSE PREWRITING IS LITERACY, TOO and HIGGELTY PIGGELTY BUMBLE BEE, WON'T YOU LEARN YOUR NAME WITH ME have been growing topics in recent years. There have been scant publications with strong, experiential examples and suggestions, especially regarding beginning recognizing of one's name and name writing. During my last workshop, the first since acquiring this book, the book was sent around the room for each to examine. They loved it!!!!! The teachers were enthusiastic about the information I shared from the text and their personal book examination. Many left saying they'd go back to their sites to ask that this be bought for them. Thank you, authors Fountas and Pinnell, you have filled a long standing void in our field.
- I used Gay Su Pinnell's literacy books when teaching kindergarten, first grade, and third. Now have a Three-year old grandson. So, I knew I wouls like it. This book is fantastic! Great, great ideas to use. The book is very well organized.
- Packed full of great information and reinforces the fact that early literacy is so important in the early years. This book is full of specific examples and even gives you blacklines so you can make copies of some of the ideas they talk about. I found this book to be exactly what I wanted and I highly recommend it for anyone in the prek - k levels.
- Helpful textbook for classroom teachers...developmentally appropriate practices for young learners
- This book is very valuable to me as a new PPCD Teacher. I look forward to using skills learned.